4 Books To Help You Beat Worry And Stress

Give the ol’ newsfeed a rest and feast your weary eyes upon these lovelies instead.

Here for your viewing pleasure are a few tomes that inform my own approach to managing stress, anxiety, and worry:

Grow Rich With Peace Of Mind by Napoleon Hill
This is my #1 Napoleon Hill offering.

His book Think & Grow Rich gets a lot more press (and is the best-selling personal development book of all time) but I like “With peace of mind” even more. Hill was in his eighties when he penned this one, had lived through more ups and downs by then, and the hard won wisdom it reveals practically leaps off every page.

It’s also more concise, and his list of 43 characteristics of the ‘man who is consistently himself’ (Note it was published in 1967 – there’s good advice for the ladies here too) is one of the best things I’ve seen.

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living by Dale Carnegie
Again, Dale Carnegie is probably more famous for his How To Win Friends And Influence People, but I can’t get enough of this book. I’ve given it to clients and they’ve made it mandatory bed time reading too.

Each chapter is easy to follow and it’s filled with great stories and examples of folks thriving by using these principles. It was first published in 1944, so another one that’s stood the test of time.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Speaking of being tested by time…

Now we go back even farther.

Marcus Aurelius was a philosopher and the emperor of Rome from 161 to 180 AD. If you’ve seen Gladiator, he was the old emperor killed by his son Commodus at the start of the movie. This one’s an outlier because it was probably never intended by its author to be a coherent whole. It’s more like a collection of his notes that were compiled and published after his death.

Some say it’s cynical but I don’t agree.

Many of its ideas are based in Stoicism, and are all about practicing acceptance, not getting attached to things, and focusing on becoming the best version of yourself – all viewpoints which, if you embrace them as your daily MO, can make you almost “worry-proof”.

This one’s more of a category than a specific book.

One of the reasons I love reading biographies is they grant you such a long-term perspective. You can read about a person’s life and all the setbacks they overcame. And you can read about a life in another time. Often reminds me there’s nothing new under the sun.

Every age has its shocks.

The world keeps ticking on.

In fact, Warren Buffet makes a practice of reading old newspapers for the same reason. He says looking at long gone, sensationalist headlines about events that are now mere echoes in time keeps him grounded.

My favorite biography (and perhaps my favorite book) is Titan, the biography of John D. Rockefeller by Ron Chernow. I also loved Nelson Mandela’s autobiography A Long Walk To Freedom and the Walter Isaacson biography of Benjamin Franklin. Something about getting lost in these amazing, epochal lives leaves me with a persistent sense of calm.

Well, there you go. Books to lighten the load, as it were. I hope they’ll be as good to you as they’ve been to me. And if there’s anything else I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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Best Herbal Acidity Treatment To Relieve Indigestion And Gas Effectively

The problem of indigestion is known as dyspepsia. It is the direct effect of discharge of digestive enzyme in the stomach. Usually indigestion occurs after eating fatty or spicy foods or eating too much. It is also activated as a result of irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease, infection in the stomach, ulcer, obesity, malfunctioning of thyroid, burning sensation in the upper abdomen, smoking and also for few medication. The sufferer always wants to relieve indigestion and gas instantly.

Whenever you suffer from bloating, first, look for the remedies in your pantry. Fennel seeds, ginger juice, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar etc., can give you temporary relief to your problem. Of all the remedies, the herbal supplements are the best herbal acidity treatment that provides relief without any side effect.

How we digest food?

Have you ever wondered how the food you eat gets digested? Soon after we consume food they can’t nourish our body. Rather, they are broken into tiny molecules and then absorbed in the blood cells. Molecules than turned into nutrient and nourishes the body. When they are changed into tiny molecules of nutrients and carried to blood cells all through the body it gets strength and energy. It is the process of digestion This process provides nourishment to the cell and energized the body. If the process doesn’t function properly, it causes acidity and indigestion. In order to relieve indigestion and gas, the herbal remedy is the most effective.

Which herbal remedy is most preferable?

Though the online market is full of herbal remedies, and herbal supplements, the consumers most often confused which product they should pick. Herbozyme capsules reviews suggest that it is the best product to treat acidity and to relieve indigestion and gas permanently.

About Herbozyme capsule: It is an herbal supplement to promote the balance of digestion as well as calming down the irritation of the stomach. The blend of potent herbs present in Herbozyme capsule helps preventing stomach bloating and gas. This natural supplement is an natural healing for a number of disorders, such as, a flatulence, acidity, diarrhea, belching, constipation and many more like this. The best herbal acidity treatment that is preferred by the people these days is Herbozyme capsule. The supplement is formulated with full of necessary nutrients that help to process the healthy digestion that healthy metabolism.

The powerful herbs that have been used in making Herbozyme capsule are:

1. Hing (Ferula Feotida)
2. Ajwain (Ptychotis Ajowan)
3. Sat Podina (Peppermint)
4. Podina (Mentha Piperata).

Let’s have a brief outlook at the major ingredients used in this capsule.

1. Hing: It is helpful for proper digestion and prevention of flatulence. It provides respite from constipation and the upsets of stomach upsets. As a good appetizer it is a good herbal digestive herb.

2. Ajwain: It is a potent herb to fight against the problem of indigestion. It makes digestion easy and certain and is a confirmed therapy for the hyperacidity and the constipation.

3. Podina: It is a great reliever of the problem of indigestion. It controls stomach upset and cramping. It controls acidity and flatulence and provides release from bloating also helpful to boost immunity.

The ingredients of the capsules relieve indigestion and gas and used for centuries because of their valuable medicinal properties. How to consume this herbal acidity treatment?

Take 1 to 2 capsules of the Herbozyme capsule with water twice daily for the outstanding acidity herbal treatment.